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This resource controls the state of a LINSTORĀ® satellite.

NOTE: This resource is not intended to be changed directly, instead it is created by the Piraeus Operator by merging all matching LinstorSatelliteConfiguration resources.


Holds the desired state the satellite.


Holds the default image registry to use for all Piraeus images. Inherited from LinstorCluster.

If empty (the default), the operator will use


Holds a reference to the LinstorCluster that controls this satellite.


Holds the storage pools to configure on the node. Inherited from matching LinstorSatelliteConfiguration resources.

Holds the properties which should be set on the node level. Inherited from matching LinstorSatelliteConfiguration resources.


Configures a TLS secret used by the LINSTOR Satellite. Inherited from matching LinstorSatelliteConfiguration resources.


Holds patches to apply to the Kubernetes resources. Inherited from matching LinstorSatelliteConfiguration resources.


Reports the actual state of the satellite.


The Operator reports the current state of the LINSTOR Satellite through a set of conditions. Conditions are identified by their type.

type Explanation
Applied All Kubernetes resources were applied.
Available The LINSTOR Satellite is connected to the LINSTOR Controller
Configured Storage Pools and Properties are configured on the Satellite
EvacuationCompleted Only available when the Satellite is being deleted: Indicates progress of the eviction of resources.