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How to Restore a LINSTOR Database Backup

This guide shows you how to restore a LINSTORĀ® Controller from a database backup. A backup is created automatically on every database migration of the default k8s database.


Restoring from a backup means all changes made to the Cluster state after the backup was taken are lost. Persistent Volumes and Volume Snapshots that were created after the backup are lost.

To complete this guide, you should be familiar with:

  • using the kubectl command line tool to access the Kubernetes cluster.

Find the Latest Backup

The backup is stored in Kubernetes Secrets. List all backups by using the following command:

$ kubectl get secrets --field-selector --sort-by .metadata.creationTimestamp -ocustom-columns=",CREATED-AT:metadata.creationTimestamp,VERSION:.metadata.annotations.piraeus\.io/linstor-version"
NAME                                                     CREATED-AT             VERSION
linstor-backup-for-linstor-controller-db7fbfd95-zsfmm    2024-11-04T07:54:29Z   LINSTOR Controller 1.27.0
linstor-backup-for-linstor-controller-745d54bf99-544hf   2024-11-04T08:03:59Z   LINSTOR Controller 1.29.1

Select the backup you want to restore, making note of the name. For example, to restore the LINSTOR 1.27.0 version, we set:

$ BACKUP_NAME=linstor-backup-for-linstor-controller-db7fbfd95-zsfmm

Temporarily stop the LINSTOR Controller Deployment

To safely restore the database, ensure that the LINSTOR Controller is shut down by scaling the Piraeus Operator and LINSTOR Controller deployment to 0 replicas:

$ kubectl scale deployment piraeus-operator-controller-manager --replicas 0
deployment.apps/piraeus-operator-controller-manager scaled
$ kubectl scale deployment linstor-controller --replicas 0
deployment.apps/linstor-controller scaled

Create a New Backup of the Current Cluster State

Since the restore process is destructive, first create a backup of the current database:

$ mkdir backup
$ cd backup
$ kubectl api-resources -oname | xargs --no-run-if-empty kubectl get crds -oyaml > crds.yaml
$ kubectl api-resources -oname | xargs --no-run-if-empty -I {} sh -c 'kubectl get {} -oyaml > {}.yaml'

Restore the Database

Copy and unpack the selected backup to a local directory by using the following commands:

$ mkdir restore
$ cd restore
# Replace $BACKUP_NAME with your selected backup name
$ kubectl get secrets -l$BACKUP_NAME -ogo-template='{{range .items}}{{index .data "backup.tar.gz" | base64decode}}{{end}}' > backup.tar.gz
$ tar -xvf backup.tar.gz

Then, replace the current database with the database from the backup:

$ kubectl api-resources -oname | xargs --no-run-if-empty kubectl delete crds
$ kubectl create -f .

Restart the LINSTOR Controller Deployment

Now we can safely restart the Piraeus Operator and LINSTOR Controller Deployment.

$ kubectl scale deployment piraeus-operator-controller-manager --replicas 1
deployment.apps/piraeus-operator-controller-manager scaled
$ kubectl scale deployment linstor-controller --replicas 1
deployment.apps/linstor-controller scaled
$ kubectl rollout status deployment piraeus-operator-controller-manager
Waiting for deployment "piraeus-operator-controller-manager" rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available...
deployment "piraeus-operator-controller-manager" successfully rolled out
$ kubectl rollout status deployment linstor-controller
Waiting for deployment "linstor-controller" rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available...
deployment "linstor-controller" successfully rolled out