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API Reference

This is the API Reference for Piraeus Operator. A user may make modifications to these resources to change the cluster state (LinstorCluster or LinstorSatelliteConfiguration) or check the status of a resource (LinstorSatellite).

  • LinstorCluster

    This resource controls the state of the LINSTORĀ® cluster and integration with Kubernetes.


  • LinstorSatelliteConfiguration

    This resource controls the state of the LINSTOR Satellites, optionally applying it to only a subset of nodes.


  • LinstorNodeConnection

    This resource controls the state of the LINSTORĀ® node connections.


  • LinstorSatellite

    This resource controls the state of a single LINSTOR Satellite. This resource is not intended to be changed directly, instead it is created by the Piraeus Operator by merging all matching LinstorSatelliteConfiguration resources.
